7711 Minnesota Ave, St Louis, MO 63111
Bathrooms1 full


As of 2/2, the county tax-collector reported back taxes on this home of $137.65. This information is not guaranteed accurate and it is the responsibility of the buyer to verify with the county.

Some information provided for this listing has been pulled from a third party source.

Address 17711 Minnesota Ave
CitySt Louis

Seller Qualification:

The Seller cannot supply Real Estate Tax or lien information as such information or status may be unreliable or may change daily. Buyer must research its own information sources, including sources for information regarding current and/or delinquent real estate tax or assessment amounts. Any research sites that may be listed herein for your benefit may not include all of the information required or desired to make an educated decision regarding the purchase of this property. It is the burden of the Buyer to obtain any and all information necessary to ensure reliability and to assist in its decision to purchase. Once a bid is made and accepted by Seller, Buyer is contractually bound to purchase the property."