Possibly occupied. Mobile home, which may not be assessed to the land and may not convey with the tax deed. Located in Florence's Plantation Shores. Neighboring parcel is also available in separate auction!
Legal Description: LOT 539 PLANT SHORES SUB PT 9 DB 357 PG 458 0022982 DB 545 PG 0690-0000 0123087 DB 767 PG 0216 0052896
Latitude/Longitude: 32.118767,-90.062746
PPIN: 17657
2017 taxes and beyond are due on this property and are the responsibility of the buyer. 2017 taxes must be paid by August 15, 2020 to ensure property is not lost to another tax sale investor.
Buyer should do due diligence on property condition, back taxes, liens and merchantability of title prior to bidding.