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***STAYED***Montgomery County, PA Sheriff Sale: 422 Davisville Road

Seller Name: MontcoPASheriff
Rating: Not Applicable
Location: 422 Davisville Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
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Auction Type: Stayed
Auction Started: 06-28-23 01:00 PM ET
Auction Closed: 06-28-23 04:00 PM ET
Asset Information

Deposit Requirement


Item Specifics - Parcel Information
Parcel Information
Parcel Number 59-00-04228-00-6
Address 422 Davisville Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
Other Properties
County Montgomery
Sheriff Number 20003053
Attorney Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd.
Debt Amount $6,280.77
Defendant BK Realty, L.P.
Plaintiff School District of Upper Moreland Township
Township Upper Moreland Township
CourtCase 19-15362
Address 422 Davisville Road Willow Grove PA 19090
All Seller-Related Due Diligence — (View Related Auctions)

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General Sale Information

End of Auction
After the close of the final auction of the day for this seller, all winning bidders are sent detailed instructions via e-mail on settlement procedures and how to provide the necessary deed transfer information.

The seller requires that the winning bidder submit the deed transfer information to Bid4Assets within 2 days of the close of auction.

Bidding Requirements

To bid on this auction, all bidders are required to become qualified by placing a deposit. The deposit of the winning bidder is automatically transferred to the seller at the end of the auction. If the winning bidder fails to perform on any auction, the entire BidDeposit will be forfeited to the seller. Non-winning bidder deposit refunds are mailed within ten (10) business days after the close of the auction. This deposit cannot be applied to other auctions. To find out more about the BidDeposit requirement, click here.

Settlement Requirements

Full payment must be received by Bid4Assets no later than 12 calendar days following the close of the auction. — No exceptions will be made. If the payment policy is not adhered to the winning bidder will forfeit their deposit to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and may be banned from future sales.

The exact settlement cutoff date and time will be listed in the Deed Wizard settlement process after the close of auction(s).

A $35 per-parcel-won administrative fee will be added to the final sale price.
